Arburg – 100 years anniversary
Injection molding machines might not sound like the sexiest of topics – but in team with gate11, i took a deep dive into the companys archives and had quite a lot of fun, telling Arburgs story in this animated video, for their anniversary celebration.
Servus TV Sport 2021
Did a whole bunch of different style-frames for Servus TVs sport label. Final animations turned out to be completely different, after the client decided to go with a footage only approach.
Byton technologies – 2018
Last year i was commissioned to design a new way of showing and explaining automotive technologies for Byton, a chinese electric car company. Aim was to develop a warmer, less techie look, than common explainer graphics.
World Premiere BMW M2 Competition
BMW M2 Competition from Axel Flachenecker on Vimeo. World Premiere BMW M2 Competition from Axel Flachenecker on Vimeo.
ROLLS-ROYCE 103EX – Vision vehicle presentation.
Video clip for the Rolls Royce concept car presentation, during the BMW 100 years event in London. This version is a bit longer than the final clip. It was originally screened on five rounded LEDs in a 360° array, so this movie only shows a small crop out of the full presentation. The BMW Group […]
Sonofabeach windsurf shirts
I recently designed a couple of windsurf t-shirts. The shirts can be ordered here.